Pressly Forum: Collaboratory Team Mid-Mester Open House and Reports

Pressly Forum: Collaboratory Team Mid-Mester Open House and Reports
Please join us on Wednesday, November 1 @ noon when members of the Collaboratory's GA and intern cohorts offer up brief accounts of their work/projects-in-progress.
Graduate students Filippo Grassi, Holly Miller, Mekayla May, and Marco Polo Juárez Cruz are working on projects that span time and space from the ancient Mediterranean to China to modernist expression in Mexico, in mediums as familiar as Omeka/Neatline and Sketchup/VRay to bespoke sites hand-coded or relational databases to improve the management of objects and their metadata with a site dig.
The undergraduate interns - Jun Lee, Lylah Messinger, and Amy Christopherson - are doing a great deal with photogrammetry, of course, and expanding this basic skill into object conservation and object copying through age-old techniques.
We'll be hearing about all of these projects in mid-span, which allows us to offer reflections and ideas for future work. You won't want to miss this!
The Pressly Forum offers members of Department faculty and selected speakers to give a talk to members of the Department (faculty, staff, students) in an effort to create bonds of intellectual and collegial community. The forum is the brainchild of Professor Emeritus William L. Pressly, after whom the forum now is named. A light lunch will be served at 11:30.