Roger Rearick Forum

Roger Rearick Forum
Hosted annually by our department, the Roger Rearick Forum showcases current research by our graduate students. Advanced students who wish to be considered for inclusion in the Middle Atlantic or Philadelphia Symposiums in the History of Art are invited to present papers to our departmental community at this event. One student will be chosen to present at each of these prestigious regional symposia.
The speakers for this year's edition of the Rearick Forum are:
- Sara Berkowitz, "The Sum of Parts: The Dissonant Female Body in Girolamo da Treviso's Nude Reclining in a Landscape."
- Steve Cody, "Paradigms of Reform in Andrea del Sarto's Disputation on the Trinity."
- Abby Eron, "Into the Melting Pot; Maurice Sterne's Welcoming to Freedom and the Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial."
- Raino Isto, "Sex/Cities/Bodies/Dragons, Or, The Anxiety of Fantasy: Disjunctive Surfaces, the Perfidy of Signs, and the Mapping of Desire in Rowena Morrill's Cover for Samuel R. Delany's Neveryóna."
- Tyler Shine, "Taboo Icons: the Bodily Photography of Andres Serrano."
Please plan to join our department at the Roger Rearick Forum on November 6th and again on March 6-7 at the Middle Atlantic Symposium for what promises to be a lively discussion and exchange of ideas and methodologies. Any questions regarding the Roger Rearick Forum, the Middle Atlantic Symposium, or the Philadelphia Symposium may be directed to Deborah Down or Maryl Gensheimer.