Roger Rearick Forum

Roger Rearick Forum
Art History and Archaeology
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Parren J. Mitchell Art/Sociology Building,
Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture
Hosted annually by our department, the Roger Rearick Forum showcases current research by our graduate students. Advanced students who wish to be considered for inclusion in the Middle Atlantic and Philadelphia Symposia in the History of Art are invited to present papers to our departmental community at this event. We will hear papers from Mekayla May, Alyssa Hughes, Ashley Cope, Magdelena Mastrandrea, Marco Polo Juarez Cruz, and Joohee Kim. Pizza and drinks will be served.
If you cannot join us in person please do tune in via zoom
The Roger Rearick Forum is named for Roger Rearick, a long-serving Professor whose high standards of scholarship and teaching of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque the Forum honors.