2013-14 Capaa And Rasa Award Recipients
December 04, 2012

Numerous ARHU faculty received Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) or Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) for 2013-14.
The College of Arts and Humanities would like to congratulate the following outstanding faculty researchers, scholars and creative artists for receiving 2013-14 Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) or Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) from UMD’s Graduate School.
CAPAA Recipients for AY 2013-14
Shannon Collis Department of Art
Robert Dilutis School of Music
Sharon Mansur School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
Emily Mitchell Department of English
Mayron Tsong School of Music
Gran Wilson School of Music
Michael Collier Department of English
RASA Recipients for AY 2013-14
Francisco Barrenechea Department of Classics
Lee Konstantinou Department of English
Paul Landau Department of History
Michele Mason School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Abigail McEwen Department of Art History and Archaeology
Jan Padios Department of American Studies
Gerard Passannante Department of English
Fernando Rios School of Music
Scott A. Trudell Department of English
Peter Carruthers Department of Philosophy
Kent Cartwright Department of English
Julie Greene Department of History
Regina Harrison School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Manel Lacorte School of Languages, Literatures, and Culture
Jeffrey Lidz Department of Linguistics
Kristjana Maddux Department of Communication
Valerie Orlando School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Elizabeth Papazian School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Brian Richardson Department of English
Michelle Rowley Department of Women’s Studies
Joshua Shannon Department of Art History and Archaeology
Yui Suzuki Department of Art History and Archaeology
To learn more about CAPPA and RASSA awards, visit The Graduate School