Professor Steven Mansbach Retires; Professor Jordana Saggese Assumes Chair of Department for Next Year
July 05, 2022
![Composite image of Professors Mansbach and Saggese](/sites/default/files/2022-07/Steven%20Mansbach%20retires%20Jordana%20Saggese%20assumes%20title%20interim%20chair%20resized.jpg)
After extending his service to the University and Department for two years during the pandemic, Professor Steven Mansbach steps into a richly deserved retirement
Professor Steven Mansbach originally planned a retirement for June 2020, but delayed that action for one year after agreeing to serve as Interim Chair of the Department when Professor Meredith Gill announced her retirement that spring. Unfortunately, the pandemic complicated an expected timeline and smooth transition, leading Professor Mansbach to delay his departure one year longer to see the Department through the challenges faced down by academic departments everywhere as everyone struggled to maintain high levels of instruction, research, and engagement amid the isolation or remote-learning and stay-at-home orders affecting most members of the Department. Professor Mansbach ably guided the Department through the many pandemic challenges our campus faced and as well championed our efforts at recovering a sense of community this past year once we were able to fully return to campus and in-person instruction. Professor Mansbach led the efforts to identify and hire a new graduate coordinator (Dana Persaud) and a new program specialist (Natalie Rivera-Canales), thereby setting a firm foundation for the Department's future flourishment. He has richly earned our undying gratitude for his efforts, leadership, and support, and now enters gladly a retirement he shares with his wife Julia in New York and in rural Connecticut. Now he must only master being the master of his time (it is harder than it might seem)! We wish you much bliss and contentment in retirement Professor Mansbach!
We also wish Professor Jordana Saggese much success as she assumes the role of Interim Chair for the next year. Professor Saggese will guide the Department on its continued recovery and growth as a community, and critically she will lead the external search over the next year for the Department's next permanent Chair. All of this while also advising and mentoring a growing cohort of graduate students! If there is anyone who can do all of this, it is Professor Saggese. Look for exciting programming and opportunities in the upcoming year as Professor Saggese works with staff, faculty, and students to continue to make the Department the best possible version of itself. Good luck Professor Saggese, and many thanks for taking on this critical role of service!